Your expertise, however, is primarily about that physical infrastructure: design esthetics, the attributes of building materials, accommodation of electrical and plumbing requirements, local building codes, environmental footprint, and the like.
The digital aspects of your planned space, on the other hand, may not be your forte. Yet these digital aspects – which include network capacity and redundancy, temperature control and power failover for servers, wall-to-wall wireless coverage, etc. – have become as important to your clients’ success as the quality of the physical building itself.
That’s why ITI is the ideal partner for architects and other facilities professionals. ITI uniquely applies the same disciplines to the design and implementation of digital infrastructure as you do to physical infrastructure. We can therefore help you ensure that the facilities you design optimally meet the digital needs of employees, students, residents, and/or other facility constituencies.
We also offer you high-value creative input into how you can best leverage the latest advances in technology – including wireless access control, UHD video surveillance, digital signage, and state-of-the-art AV – to create highly differentiated spaces for your clients. ITI thus helps you deliver more value and achieve higher client satisfaction, while also ensuring that you avoid project problems and cost overruns.
We’d love to show you how you can seamlessly integrate superior technology into highly esthetic and functional facilities design. So please reach out to us today – without cost or obligation – about any of your upcoming projects.