Senior Living

If you’re in the business of providing the nation’s rapidly aging population with living environments that meet their ever-changing needs, you have significant opportunities – and you face significant challenges.

New technologies now empower you to offer a whole host of digital features that optimize the health, safety, and comfort of your residents, while greatly improving the efficiency and reliability with which you deliver critical resident services. These technologies range from automatic fall alerting to digital locks that greatly streamline access control.

But your competitors have access to those technologies too. So it’s absolutely critical that you design and build an underlying digital architecture that enables you to deploy technologies effectively and cost-efficiently today – while also giving you the flexibility to readily add and modify your digital capabilities as the market continues to evolve.

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Acute Care

Hospitals and other acute care facilities are becoming increasingly dependent on highly advanced digital technology to efficiently deliver superior care to patients, while also capturing the data necessary for continuous process improvement and mandated accountability.

Unfortunately, many acute care facilities deploy these technologies on digital infrastructure that was never architect to reliably support numerous wired and wireless devices capturing and transmitting highly confidential data 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

So before you embark on any digital modernization program, be sure you put the right architecture in place for both the short and long term. A modest investment in digital needs analysis, smart design, and well-coordinated deployment can save you lots of headaches – and lots of money – as your institution continues to grow and innovate over the coming years.

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Education & Government

Education has become profoundly digital. From distance learning to advanced in-class audio-visual pedagogy, educators must embrace a wide range of technologies if they are to successfully serve coming generations of tech-native students – and optimally extend their reach to all potential constituencies.

Technology is also central to ensuring the security of your facilities, as well as your ability to respond immediately to any threat – whether it’s violence, illness, or a natural disaster.

These technologies, however, put tremendous stress on your institution’s underlying digital architecture. Are you truly confident that you can support an exponentially growing volume of digital traffic? Will your infrastructure investments today become your operational bottlenecks tomorrow? And how can you best leverage those investments so they support every facet of your mission to deliver knowledge effectively, efficiently, reliably, and securely?

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